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Photography by Nicholas Wall

Climbing up the New Huey P!!

Climbing up the New Huey P!!

Climbing up top the New Huey P. Long Bridge in New Orleans


A few weeks back I climbed to the very, very top of the Huey P Long Bridge. When I finally made it to the top my arms and hands were numb. A Hundred feet of ladder doesn't seem like too hard to climb when you're looking at it; but when it's straight up with a harness, your camera bouncing off the side of the cage, and having to grab tiny round bars every ten inches it takes alot out of you. But it was so worth it! The perspective from the superstructure is incredible. You can see for miles around and I got an entirely different view of the Mississippi River and New Orleans.



Up top they have these huge red navigation beacons. I don't know what it is about them, but I love them. They are so vibrant and just pop in photos.





Like I said before, the view was amazing:



Above: New Orleans Skyline (Click for a larger view)


Above: My coworker Mike


Above: Ships passing through the main channel under the bridge


Above: That's me with all my gear on


Above: You can see how much was added to the existing structure (notice the red paint, that's the pre-existing structure)


Above: Another coworker, Anne, looking off in the distance


Above: There are five of these sections that you have to climb up – P.S. Don't Fall


Hope you enjoyed. If you haven't seen my two previous posts about the "First Over the New Lanes" or the "Last Over the Old Lanes" be sure to check them out.




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